CTU Bus Service in Chandigarh
Welcome to Chandigarh Transport Undertaking Chandigarh Transport Undertaking came into existence on 01.11.1966 with a fleet strength of 30 buses only, CTU General Bus Pass Price to single person 120. as a result of trifurcation of Punjab Roadways at the time of re-organisation of Punjab State. CTU Bus from Chandigarh to Kharar, Presently Head Quarters at Plot No.701 in Industrial Area, Phase-I, Chandigarh with other Depots and Workshops at Industrial Area & Sector 25. CTU Bus good Service this side. CTU Bus from Chandigarh to Hamirpur , The workshop for JNnurm Buses is located adjoining to the ISBT-43. Functionning The main function is to provide bus services to the general public within the city, CTU Bus from Chandigarh to Pathankot, Sub Urban area and in adjoining States i.e. Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, J& K, Uttar Pradesh, Rajsthan etc. “The department is making efforts so that CTU buses are started by May 2...